New Online Statistical Data Maps, online maps engine
10,000 Maps showing new online statistical data maps
10,000 Maps has an extensive list offering statistical data features that are found on their online engine. You could be looking for a national park such as Yellowstone to find your way to Old Faithful, or wanting to see of the demographic make-up of Lebanon. With 10,000 Maps, statistical data maps are available in an instant.
Advanced up to date online maps engine:
By using the new system that 10,000 maps has to offer on their website, one can look into the geographical and statistical data features on the map of one’s area of choice. This new feature can be helpful in seeing neighborhoods, trails, and the industrial regions around the area. Using this online maps engine will give people the capability to design their own maps. Gathering map data from all over the world and combining all into one online maps engine. 10,000 Maps can extract map data from the site such as:
• Shipwrecks in Honolulu
• Australia Roadmaps
• Grand Canyon geography
• Ireland Railroads
• Oil Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico
• Volcano’s in South Asia
Different ways and different features that can be used on the site:
10,000 Maps has many different features on our website. Features showing over thousands of data layers all across the globe. We are making it accessible and easy for people to create their own maps, showing pop ups and labels, along with using polygon lines and points, and even export files such as: .kml, .kmz, and .gpx. With this online maps engine printing and sharing maps has never been easier. With up to date technology on the maps engine, it is easy for people to share maps with others emailing MapLinks. Another way that one could share maps is by downloading it to a PDF that will make it more accessible on most devices.
Payment options for using 10,000 Maps:
10,000 Maps is currently offering a free trial for customers, by clicking the try now link on the home page you can register and will be given five free credits. The way that the credits work is that for each credit you will be able to search one feature, the idea behind the five free credits is so that people interested in the site, can get a taste of what the date is and how it is provided. For more information visit